
We are a 50+ group eager to share faith, fun, and fellowship.  Anyone 50 and older can be a Perennial!  For more information or to be added to group emails, see Tammy Snyder. 


Upcoming Events:

Please consider joining us for as many activities as you are able. Don’t feel as though you need to make every event in order to participate!  
Please don’t hesitate to contact me if you have questions!
Tammy Snyder


Sunday, January 26,  following service- 

LUNCH AND YANKEE SWAP:   A sandwich tray and drinks will be provided.  A sign up sheet for soup, side dishes, and dessert is located in the lobby area.  After our lunch, we will play a game of Yankee Swap. You can enjoy lunch with us even if you don’t want to stay for the game!  See additional information on the Perennial’s bulletin board.  

Friday, June 13

Bird in Hand Family Restaurant Smorgasbord and Show A trip is being planned to see the show The Rise and Fall of Miss Fannie’s Biscuits.  Many of you enjoyed the lunch and theater show (The Confession) that we saw last year.  If you are interested and able to attend the Friday, June 13th showing, please sign up or email Tammy Snyder no later than Sunday, March 9th.  Cost is $67.50 pp, which covers the lunch and the show.  We will have lunch at 11:00 and then head to the show for the 1:00 presentation. For accounting purposes, monies would need to be paid (to Doubling Gap COG) by the end of March. Please be sure you are able to attend, as we will not be able to issue refunds.

You can check out the Bird in Hand Restaurant  by clicking on the link or by going to  

See a review of the play below.

Mysteries have a way of following Fannie Miller. When she makes it to the finals of a baking contest and contestants start disappearing, she calls on part-time PI Foster Bates to help investigate. Are her fellow finalists trying to thin out the competition? Like the couple who need the prize money? Or the sisters who are always whispering? Fannie and Foster will stay on the case until the end—and everyone will learn something about baking contests, solving mysteries and life.

A collaboration between best-selling authors Wanda E. Brunstetter and Martha Bolton, this delightful show from Blue Gate Musicals reunites Fannie Miller and Foster Bates, who were introduced in the popular show Stolen. The result is an intriguing musical comedy mystery.

A rigged contest. A missing baker. A determined detective. The right recipe for total disaster!

ADULT FELLOWSHIP CAMP:  Monday – Friday, August 11-15.

Adult Fellowship Camp is for our 50+ friends who are young at heart and want to experience God in a special way here at camp.  Adult Fellowship Camp provides many opportunities and activities from which you may choose :

  • Great Fellowship, Wonderful Speakers, Awesome Bible Studies, Exciting Activities, The Best Food Anywhere, Creative Crafts, The Best Shuffleboard Matches you can find, The Great Outdoors, Devoted Staff